Directors, Pastors Andy Samuels and Garfield Miller have returned home safely from a fruitful trip to three West African countries. In Sierra Leone, they shared in the dedication of a new SDB school building along with David Johnson, Pastor of the Sabbath Chapel SDB Church, Georgia. Sabbath Chapel had provided most of the resources for the construction of the school. A well was also built and dedicated, providing clean water to the community. Other ministries on the trip included a church building dedication, sermons, a baptism of 20 persons, and visits to several other churches and schools.
In Liberia, there is the need to re-establish SBD ministries and evidence exists to suggest that such re-connections are possible with good follow-up in the next few months. Ministries in Ghana included Leadership Training, sermons, Prayer Meetings, outreach at an orphanage and a Leprosarium, visits to the three churches, and meetings with the Conference leadership. We were blessed to see the good work being done by the leaders in Sierra Leone and Ghana. The mission should have also extended to Ivory Coast but was prevented due to COVID-19 restrictions.
All the prayers and other support which were extended to and for us for this trip, are greatly appreciated. To God be the Glory!
“And the gospel must first be preached to all nations” – Mark 13:10
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~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director