The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of the United States and Canada, in its first meeting in 1802, was a missionary movement established so “that missionaries be sent out, instructed, and supported by the General Conference.” In 1818 a Board of Trustees and Directors of Missions was appointed. By 1842 the name Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society was adopted and the organization was formally recognized by the State of Rhode Island in 1880.
The SDB Missionary Society first sent missionaries from the United States to China in 1847 and Palestine in 1854. From this time until the mid-1980's, the Missionary Society sent long term missionaries to start schools, provide medical care, and plant churches. A few of the countries where missionaries were sent include Malawi, Ghana, Guyana, Jamaica, Philippines, Finland, and Zambia.
Today's Work
By the mid 1980's, it had become apparent that sending long term missionaries was no longer the most desirable model. The local churches were far more effective in the work, and the expense required to send long term missionaries could be used more effectively.
For this reason, the Missionary Society now doesn't send traditional missionaries. Instead, we partner with the work that our sister Conferences and churches are doing themselves. Trips are made by Society members to maintain relationships, encourage, provide a specific area of expertise, or see how joint projects are progressing.