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Writer's pictureMissionary Society Updates


SDB Missionary Society Chief Executive Director Pastor Andy Samuels, his wife Kay, and Pastor George Lawson will undertake a mission trip to Mozambique and Zambia in Africa, March 30 – April 13.

In the Portuguese-speaking nation of Mozambique, the mission team will participate in opportunities to share the Gospel in a variety of ways, help SDB churches develop and refine their vision for church planting and missions, share in the provision of leadership training to pastors and leaders, and strengthen the partnership with our churches in the development of strategies towards the better stewardship of resources.

In Zambia, similar ministry opportunities will take place, in addition to the assessment of the feasibility of potential sustainable projects and participation in a pastoral ordination service. A particularly exciting aspect of this mission in both countries, will be the targeted ministries of teaching biblical principles of empowerment to women and the sharing biblical values with children. The inclusion of Kay Samuels on the team makes such ministries possible. She will bring a unique perspective to the mission.

Prayer and other support are requested, as the team prepare for what is anticipated to be another fulfilling time of ministry, bringing glory to our Lord, and actively advancing His kingdom.

“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory,” Psalm 115:1a

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Garfield Miller, Director of Outreach

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