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Director of Outreach Garfield Miller will travel, with a small team, to Ethiopia and Burundi, February 4-18 2020. He will be accompanied by Joan Small of the New York City SDB Church, NY, and John Mark Camenga, Pastor of the Lost Creek SDB Church, Lost Creek, WV.

The team to Ethiopia and Burundi will seek to bring encouragement to our African brethren through leadership training, ministry to Children and Women, Gospel preaching, and needs assessment. SDBs in Ethiopia are refugees from South Sudan. They are struggling to make a life starting from nothing. The Missionary Society’s first mission to Gambella, Ethiopia was in 2014 to provide training and build the first SDB church building, there was a follow-up trip in 2016. The Burundi SDB Conference is a World Federation Member and has had several visits from the Society. They are now faced with the doors of many of their church buildings being closed due to not being able to meet new Government standards.

These two Conferences are greatly in need of your support. You can participate in this worthwhile missions trip to Africa by supporting in prayer and giving financially.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.”Acts 2:42 & 45

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director

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