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Writer's pictureMissionary Society Updates


2019 is almost history. Just about this time each year, many people engage in some level of introspection of their lives and seek to embark on improved attitudes and actions for the upcoming year. As the Society reviews the year 2019, we see it as a year of great evidence of the faithfulness and provision of our God. With SDBs having a presence in approximately 45 countries, we are very grateful to the Lord for everyone who supported in any way, and at any level, our work during the year.

By the grace of God, may there be increase and expansion, growth and development, a deeper relationship with our God, and renewed relationships with each other, in the New Year. The SDB Missionary Society is desirous of continuing to partner with more and more of you, to fulfill the Great Commission, and proclaim the eternally-satisfying, life-changing message of Jesus Christ. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It is our prayer, that for 2020, the Lord’s blessing and favor may be even more pronounced for each one of you, in your personal lives, in your families, in your churches, and in your conferences.

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”Proverbs 3:6

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director

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