Is there anything to thank the Lord for in 2020? Has anyone gone through this year with a thankful spirit? The SDB Missionary Society answers those two questions with a resounding “YES.” We have seen God move mightily in 2020 in many parts of the world, such as in India where a new SDB Church is about to start, and in Colombia, South America where two new SDB Churches have been established, and in Sierra Leone where an SDB school has been built and will be dedicated in just a few weeks.
Also, orphan ministries are being carried out in several countries, and ministry to refugees as well. We have helped conferences to build wells for their communities and to initiate sustainable projects such as farming, animal rearing, and the installation of a water treatment plant where filtered water is sold by the church. To God be all the glory! We can say without reservation that COVID-19 has not prevented Seventh Day Baptists from giving to the work of the Lord. Thank you! A peaceful season and specially blessed 2021.
All of the above efforts, ministries, and projects have been possible and enhanced because of the generosity of our donors and supporters like yourself.
We are eternally grateful to everyone who gave during 2020.
“I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” – Psalm 69:30
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~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director