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Writer's pictureMissionary Society Updates


For some time now, the SDB Missionary Society has appreciated the presence and work of those people who function as Missions Advocates. These valued partners in ministry are members of local churches who promote in their congregation, Missionary Society projects, plans, and initiatives, and who also communicate with the Society on behalf of their churches. All Pastors, Missions Advocates, and other interested persons, of the USA & Canada General Conference, are invited to a virtual meeting on Sunday, Nov 15 at 4 pm EST.

The Missionary Society wants to continue to strengthen partnerships with local churches. We want to update Advocates on current news and information from the Missionary Society. We also want to directly express our profound gratitude to our Advocates for their vital work which has global impact. It is also vital that we glean more information about each church so that we can improve our efforts to accomplish the mission we’ve been given by our Lord.

If your church does not have a Missions Advocate, this is the time to elect one. Attend the meeting, even just out of curiosity. We ask for 60 minutes of your time on November 15 and believe it will be worth it.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director

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