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Writer's pictureMissionary Society Updates


With a new Chief Executive Director, Andy Samuels, and a newly commissioned Director of Outreach, Garfield Miller, the SDB Missionary Society embarks on ambitious and promising initiatives for the current year and beyond. Entering the second year of its five-year vision, the Society seeks to strengthen its work of God’s kingdom, through SDBs, by focusing on Organizational Strength, Teaching & Equipping, Mobilizing & Sending, and Nurturing & Supporting.

Some specific plans for 2019-2020 include: Provide missions training nationally, Conduct 1 TIME/Leadership training in another country, Identify and provide training for persons in Evangelism/Missions/Church Planting, Facilitate 6 Short Term Evangelism trips and Develop/implement a program to offer greater support to orphans globally. Also, mission trips are being planned to parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Central America. There is now also the opportunity to join us for prayer Monday evenings at 7 pm EST. This is all exciting, what part will you play?

This is about rebuilding a culture in our Churches, Associations and Conference, of being unrelenting in sharing the gospel globally. You can join us and become a “World-Class” Seventh Day Baptist.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;…I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”Isaiah 43:19

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director

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