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Writer's pictureMissionary Society Updates


Plans are advanced for this year’s virtual Gospel Feet 5K fundraiser. Participants may run or walk anytime, anywhere, or with anyone, even on a treadmill. The official day of Gospel Feet 5K 2021 is Sunday, August 1 at 7:00 am EST, with four days to complete (August 1-4). All proceeds will go towards assisting SDBs globally with sustainable projects, to help themselves financially.

For registration go to – costs, adults $25 & $10 for Kids. Participants will be encouraged to pray for SDBs on the 7 Continents, as they run, walk or whatever activity they choose. A preferred way to track your 5K progress will be by downloading and using the following app –

In addition to supporting SDB Sustainable Projects globally, this event can also be used to help to attain personal physical goals of getting in shape. Time yourself, take pictures, and have fun!

You can now order your logo fitted T-Shirt at to be delivered to your home. The opportunity to order shirts will close on July 4.

You can run/walk or sponsor a participant or just make a donation to help to bring hope and so much more around the world.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”Romans 12:12

Links for downloadables to share click HERE

~ Garfield Miller, Director of Outreach

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