Just a reminder that the week of February 21-27, 2021 has been designated as Missions Week focusing on the theme, “A Waiting World; A Willing Church.” For each day during that week, a member of the Missionary Society Board of Managers will publish a brief missions devotional by video, which will be broadcast on all our social media pages and on our website and YouTube channel. On Missions Sabbath, February 27, we encourage all our churches to have a missions emphasis in some way. We will provide a recorded Missions Sermon which may be used in worship that day.
Just as we did last year, we are asking churches to receive a missions offering on Missions Sabbath, February 27, and send that offering to the Missionary Society. Announce it a few weeks in advance, plan for it, publicize it, and then receive it. We do realize that many churches are still not physically meeting, so we encourage those churches to utilize whatever means you can, to make it possible for your people to participate in this global giving opportunity.
All proceeds from your offering will go towards the SDB Africa Bible School which is scheduled to begin in April, 2021, and the church which sends in the largest offering will win the Missions Week Award. Is your church willing to help take the Gospel to a waiting world?
“I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 13:47
Links for downloadables to share click HERE
~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director