This Sabbath is not only the fifth Sabbath in the shortest month of the year. It is not only the date that falls only once in four years when there is a leap year. This Sabbath February 29, 2020 is also designated “MISSIONS SABBATH.” What this means for your Church is that, on Sabbath, we are asking all SDB Churches to receive a Missions Offering for the Missionary Society.
In more than 45 countries, the Society is engaged in work that improves the lives of people and give them hope for here and eternity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To provide added motivation and enthusiasm, we will award a trophy to the church which sends in to us, the largest “Missions Sabbath Offering.” Even if your Church does not win the trophy, you cannot be a loser. Your funds will go towards putting a smile on someone’s face, and adding value to their life.
You can be a winner by helping your church to claim the prize. This offering must be received by the Society by the end of March 2020, to be counted. So, we hope you have been Promoting it and Saving for it. All that is left is for you to Receive it, and then Send it in.
“Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” – Psalm 29:1-2
Links for downloadables to share click HERE
~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director