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Writer's picture: Missionary Society UpdatesMissionary Society Updates

A team of four—Garfield Miller (SDB Missionary Society), Nathan Crowder (Boulder SDB, CO), Sydney Looper (North Loup SDB, NE) and Elisabeth Lawson (Colton SDB, CA)—were in Kenya December 19-24, 2017. Every dollar and every prayer, in support, was worth it! God’s presence was experienced through preaching, singing, counselling, and teaching under the theme “Prison Shaking Faith.” The team was greatly impacted and from expressions, the lives of many in Kenya were also impacted for God. There were challenges, including arriving in Kisii a day and a half late, but the Holy Spirit acted on the hearts of many and seventeen (17) persons received Christ and were baptized on the Sabbath. Below are some testimonials:

BENARD NYAKEBERE MOSE (Pastor, Kenya SDB Conference President): “On behalf of my wife, family and the entire Kenyan Church family of SDB, I am sending special greetings and thanks towards those who all gave support in monies, and also prayers, and at the same time encouragement, too. I am also thanking your families for support and permission to travel oversees for the mission trip and their support they gave you all when you planned to come over and also when you were here, too.”

DORCAS (Pastor Benard’s wife): “I am also thanking you (Team) and church family to could have given you some clothing gift and also showing us such great wonderful love and kind heart. This has shown me a big love. The clothes already have been sent to several orphans and the poor, and others are remaining with me for use. Sydney, your ministry to the Kids was a blessing; Elisabeth, you touched my heart when you speak; Brother Nathan, your singing voice was truly a blessing, and we were really moved by your preaching and teaching, Pastor Miller. I can’t have words to say and share—please do not forget us in your prayer time.”

NATHAN: “I felt truly blessed to serve in Kenya this Christmas. I spent most of the time teaching high school and college students with Elisabeth. We could feel the Spirit at work and together our team helped to baptize 17 new believers on Sabbath day. Our ages for baptism ranged from 10 to the elderly. There is nothing more exciting than seeing more people welcomed into God’s Kingdom. I look forward to serving on more missions soon.”

SYDNEY: “Serving in Kenya was an amazing opportunity. God did amazing things and used the trip to stretch each of us in different ways. I was blessed to be able to work with the young children. We sang songs, played games, and got closer to God together. Even though we didn’t speak the same language, I still felt an immense connection to all of the people there. They were welcoming and considerate, always giving us what we needed and more. I felt very blessed by the trip and can’t wait to see what God has in store for me and the team.”

ELISABETH: “Ministering in Kenya this December was truly a blessing. Although it was different than expected, we went in with a flexible mindset allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us. While in charge of the youth, Nathan and I were able to talk with them about important subjects such as: baptism, accepting Christ, importance of faith in trying times, and God’s provision. It was a short trip, but great things were still accomplished through God. It is amazing to watch what happens when you take yourself out of it and let the Holy Spirit take over. Overall, great trip, great team, and cannot wait for what God has in store for future mission work for me personally, as well as the others.”

The Team thanks God for making this trip possible and for allowing His Love and Word to be shared — To God be the glory, great things he has done!

Acts 16:26 “And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened.”

By Garfield Miller – Missions Coordinator

For this and other Sabbath Recorder Articles click – HERE

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