It is only by the grace of God, that the Seventh Day Baptist Africa Bible College (ABC) could have had its genesis in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bible College began in July 2021 with 20 students from nine countries, all of whom are serving in their churches and conferences as pastors, assistant pastors, and other church leaders. That includes the General Secretaries of three SDB Conferences, which are all members of the SDB World Federation.
Four of the twelve Modules in the 2-year program have already been completed, and the fifth Module is in progress. One in-person Seminar has already been held in Kenya, and COVID-19 restrictions prevented the second scheduled one from taking place. That causes the eager and enthusiastic students to look forward even more, to the next Seminar scheduled for August in Rwanda, with Instructors Pastor Garfield Miller and Brother Andres Jara.
The relationships being formed among the students, the interaction taking place, the sharing of ideas about ministry, the informal discussions of subject matters pertinent to the Modules, and the praying for each other, are all significant benefits of this program, so far, that cannot be measured in quantifiable terms.
Your continued support, in prayers and finances, is welcome and appreciated.
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved…” 2 Tim 2:15
Links for downloadables to share click HERE
~ Andy Samuels, Chief Executive Director